Customer reviews

William William
8.9 Average rating

William helped me feel much better. This is going to sound really strange, but he was in agreement with all of my spiritual guides that I’m not to have answers yet but wait for things to unfold. Almost like they said -“no, William, she’s not supposed to know yet” and he’s saying to them “oh-okay, what do you want me to say then?” Which was absolutely spot on perfect!

Jack and Colton Jack and Colton
8.8 Average rating

Greatly reassuring, always a pleasure to speak with them both. Like talking to old friends.

John and Ellie John and Ellie
8.6 Average rating

I was totally broken after a breakup, with the support, guidence and love of this great pair, I feel like I can breath again.

Luke Luke
8.6 Average rating

What a natural connection with this wonderful man and a detailed reading regarding love.

Elijah Elijah
8.6 Average rating

The reading just flowed without asking me questions and was so spot on! It's like he was reading a book about my life!

Elijah Elijah
8.6 Average rating

I have to give this man some immense credit for his spiritual ability. I was sceptical before but that has now all gone. I have truly been proven wrong.

Jack and Colton Jack and Colton
8.8 Average rating

After reading the reviews I decided to try out Jack and Colton, and I was not disappointed! Really happy with my reading, the best one I have had for years, thank you both for sharing your gift with me.

Adam and Evelyn Adam and Evelyn
9 Average rating

Without a doubt, the friendliest and loveliest readers on this site. Exceptional on the details and personalities.. Highly recommended.

Adam and Evelyn Adam and Evelyn
9 Average rating

I was a little unsure at first, but after a few messages, I soon saw this couple are the real deal. Give them a try folks.

Carter Carter
8.7 Average rating

Carter was great today, always there when I need him. This guy is awesome