Customer reviews

Hunter Hunter
8.6 Average rating

Picked up on everything and more, the bare bones, huge reality check followed. ..thanks and will be back to tell you what happened.

Abigail Abigail
8.7 Average rating

Abigial is brilliant, read my situation with a lot of precision and also is a just a lovely woman through and through.

Kayden Kayden
8.8 Average rating

Had an excellent and very encouraging reading

Adam and Evelyn Adam and Evelyn
9 Average rating

Didn’t want it to end, I just feel you connected well with my situation. Thank you

Hunter Hunter
8.6 Average rating

Just had the most amazing reading with Hunter , he is one in a million. 

Charlotte Charlotte
8.6 Average rating

You were spot on again. text arrived just as you said soon after I talked to you and we agreed to talk Monday morning!

Charlotte Charlotte
8.6 Average rating

Caught on the problem made me feel better now given me a way to help my self n the situation with great advice hope predictions are true.

Victoria Victoria
8.7 Average rating

I can’t explain how I feel once I have spoken with Victoria except it’s always ten times better than when I start. She refused to change her predictions just because I was upset. In doing so made me feel so much better. She is one to trust.

Kayden Kayden
8.8 Average rating

An amazing reading that gave me insight and strength. Thank you. I'm looking forward to the future... I would recommend this reader.

Isabella Isabella
8.6 Average rating

Amazing reading delivered with confidence and a great understanding of peoples energies involved in the situation xx