Customer reviews

Elijah Elijah
8.6 Average rating

I have had several readings with Elijah and he has never strayed from his prediction of a particular wish of mine coming true even when I've been so despondent. I am pleased to say that his prediction has materialised. 

Luke Luke
8.6 Average rating

Luke is so compassionate & let's not forget accurate with circumstances in my life. It's lovely to talk to a gentle soul as well as good reading, very calming!!

Hunter Hunter
8.6 Average rating

This guy connected with me very well and in a short space of time. Offered me lots of gudience and support.

Jack and Colton Jack and Colton
8.8 Average rating

Very helpful and told me the truth about everything

Reuben and Maya Reuben and Maya
8.7 Average rating

Friendly and gave good advice.

Carter Carter
8.7 Average rating

As you warned, the past few days have been tough. I reflect on your advice a lot, I would have been lost had I not had my reading with you.

Abigail Abigail
8.7 Average rating

Brilliant reading picked up on so much and have plenty of validations and asked plenty of questions to the cards to get the answers i needed. This lady tells you how it is no sugar coating which is always the best. Looking forward to the predictions ahead.

John and Ellie John and Ellie
8.6 Average rating

So to cut a long miserable story short, thank you for making me believe in myself, thank you for giving my inner confidence back AND thank you for giving me the strength at getting a second chance.

Victoria Victoria
8.7 Average rating

Always keeps it 100 with you throughout the reading. Recommended to all.

Abigail Abigail
8.7 Average rating

had a lovely reading calm.. supportive.. honest.. thank u