Customer reviews

Elijah Elijah
8.6 Average rating

Had another reading with Elijah spot on with my situation .... Passed predictions have started to happen ... Just waiting for the big one now .

William William
8.9 Average rating

He is super gentle, kind and tells you what you need to hear but in the nicest way.

Hunter Hunter
8.6 Average rating

It feels like it makes sense

Ava Ava
8.7 Average rating

I love this lady. Every time I need her she has patience and understanding and helps me so much, not by telling me what I want to hear but by telling me what she sees in the cards.

Jack and Colton Jack and Colton
8.8 Average rating

Things are looking and feeling much brighter, thank you both for being there.

Kayden Kayden
8.8 Average rating

I totally approve of the work that Kayden is doing, you have helped my little boy to get better, so on behalf of my husband, my boy and myself I say a very BIG THANK YOU!

William William
8.9 Average rating

Very fast and reassuring. Will wait for the predictions to unfold. Lots of love x

Aliyah Aliyah
8.5 Average rating

Excellent reading once again from Allyah, you have given me so much strenght and confidence to handle what is ahead of me.

Ava Ava
8.7 Average rating

I trust him for Ava with her honesty. Always concise and coherent.

Aliyah Aliyah
8.5 Average rating

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything. You have given me some tremendous support.