Customer reviews

John and Ellie John and Ellie
8.6 Average rating

Lovely you both for a great reading. You really my day.

Adam and Evelyn Adam and Evelyn
9 Average rating

Very pleasing and clarity was needed I would use this reader again for a more in-depth reading next time.

Kayden Kayden
8.8 Average rating

Kayden picked up on my situation really well and was really gental about what he said but got my personality right and the people around me. 

Luke Luke
8.6 Average rating

Luke is an excellent reader predictions have come through.

Carter Carter
8.7 Average rating

Tuned in quickly to give a flowing and accurate reading. Future indications came about, even exceeding the details given. Thank you. Very helpful.

Charne Charne
10 Average rating

She listen and lots a thing shes right and find myself

Adam and Evelyn Adam and Evelyn
9 Average rating

Really enjoyed my first experience having a reading with a couple. They are genuine people with a good sense of humour. Very pleased with my experience.

John and Ellie John and Ellie
8.6 Average rating

The level of detail you provided is truly astounding. Thank you both so much!

Hunter Hunter
8.6 Average rating

Thank you once again for such a honest reading and everythg you have mentioned fits into my life at the moment. Will be in touch with outcome of what we av spoken about.x

Elijah Elijah
8.6 Average rating

Love talking to you and you are always spot on and pick up on my situation straight away and usually right with your predictions.