Customer reviews

Isabella Isabella
8.6 Average rating

She knew heaps about me before I even said anything! Still completely shook!

Isabella Isabella
8.6 Average rating

Thank you

Adam and Evelyn Adam and Evelyn
9 Average rating

Adam and Evelyn was very clear and to the point. They was quick to connect to the energy of my inquiry. I found thier insight to be helpful and appropriate to my questions.

Carter Carter
8.7 Average rating

Has been predicting contact from someone in particular for a while. Today he told me it was very imminent and would definitely happen within the next two weeks. I have just received contact from that person completely out of the blue.

William William
8.9 Average rating

I've had a few readings with William, and found his readings straight, direct and to the point. He does ask you not to say much, which is great that he doesn't question, just picks up what the cards say.

Isabella Isabella
8.6 Average rating

Wow, this lady knows her stuff. Very warm and friendly and also gave me loads of validations that were much too accurate to be guess work. I will check out the photo albums Isabella and hope that mum shows me what she wants. Thank you so much. Take care

Aliyah Aliyah
8.5 Average rating

What a fabulous reading I have just had with Allyah. I have been given so much hope and some exciting news.

Luke Luke
8.6 Average rating

Thank you for a, brilliant reading.

William William
8.9 Average rating

I so enjoyed my reading with William - he’s not only very accurate, insightful and informative, he’s able to communicate with real clarity and eloquence. In addition to this, he’s a genuinely kind, positive, empathetic reader - looking forward to the next one :)

Ava Ava
8.7 Average rating

Gave me fantastic readings and really explains what she sees ... so good and very insightful! Let's see if what is said comes to light my dear..