Customer reviews

Victoria Victoria
8.7 Average rating

Hey Victoria, I’m so intrigued by your message. The site won’t let me buy credit. Can you reach out to me? Work something out

Donovan Donovan
10 Average rating

I love speaking with Donovan he's always very positive and i appreciate it!

Jack and Colton Jack and Colton
8.8 Average rating

Lovely connection and worked in my question straight away. Was clear and concise that i understood my answers given. Thank you

Ava Ava
8.7 Average rating

You was so precise with the people mentioned. You answered every question and did not waiver. You have a very good understanding of the cards and relay this information effortlessly.

Carter Carter
8.7 Average rating

He was very good and kind with giving me the advice on how to deal with my unhealthy relationship. I needed to hear what he foresees in my future, and how I will move on, which brings me hope and peace. Thank you so much for being there for me, Carter.

Kayden Kayden
8.8 Average rating

You broke down the person's personality and the past and present influences. Other readers have also told me to wait. Your lovely and it was an absolute pleasure speaking to you.

Elijah Elijah
8.6 Average rating

I hope that you get to see this Elijah. You have been so helpful and professional

Adam and Evelyn Adam and Evelyn
9 Average rating

I don't know where to begin to share my experience. My health, my family, my financial future have changed. I remain in awe of so many good predictions and so much support.

Carter Carter
8.7 Average rating

This guy is really amazing and truly gifted at what he does. He picked up my situation so well without me saying much at all. Very nice, positive and gentle person.

William William
8.9 Average rating

Explained my current and past relationship situation perfectly with no feedback. Was able to look ahead and give predictions. Really good reading, thank you.