Taurus 20th April to 20th May

Personality of the Taurus
Taurus is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac. Bulls are always looking for safety and stability, both when making choices and with the people they interact with. They are generally quite stubborn and hate change. In addition, they have a strong will. Their determination and dedication is the reason why many Taurus zodiac signs are successful. Bulls are hard workers who don't mind getting their hands dirty. They continue until their task is completed. They get pleasure from everything they can absorb with their senses. They often have a good taste and a deep appreciation for refined things.
The Taurus in a relationship
In love, bulls take it easy. They want to build a strong foundation and feel safe and stable before making the decision to enter into a relationship. It can take a while to bond with someone, but this also means they work hard to make a relationship a success. Once they have made their choice in love, nothing or no one can change their mind. Bulls are therefore often loyal and attentive lovers or marriage partners. That also has a disadvantage; they can stay in relationships in which they are no longer happy.
The Taurus in friendship
Loyalty is very important to Taurus. They are very loyal to friends and expect others to. They love to laugh and are generally fun in a group of friends. They like to spend time with others and are always there for people they love. Bulls are also very protective and will fight for their loved ones if they feel they are threatened. They may have a hard time losing friends, as this can lead to major changes in their lives. However, thanks to their character, they are able to endure all the grief they feel. The Taurus at work with their slow and deep mind set, Taurus take a long time to figure out what they want in life. They are often late bloomers and reach milestones later than their peers, but when they eventually make a decision they will feel comfortable staying there for as long as possible. Bulls may have problems keeping jobs that no longer suit them. This can - just like in love - be due to their strong sense of loyalty or the fear of change. Usually its hard workers and the kind of colleagues you can really count on when you need help.
Male Taurus
If you are looking for a strong, loyal and generous man, Taurus is the person you are looking for. Male Bulls are reliable, patient and tender when in love. He dislikes fakeness and values ​​conversations that are filled with heartfelt statements, especially when it comes to compliments and declarations of love. A Taurus man needs time to build trust and anyone chasing his heart should take the time to earn it. He must feel safe to settle with one partner for good.
Female Taurus
A Taurus woman longs for true love and safety. It is very unlikely that she will quickly yield to her desires and instincts. If someone wants to conquer her heart, they will have to spend a lot of time and energy to make her feel at ease. She has an eye for the simplicity of beautiful things in life, so the way to approach her is with shared enjoyable moments, respect for privacy, good food and gentle touches. Once she feels comfortable and safe with someone, she will give her heart without holding back.
The best partners for a Taurus
Taurus make the best matches with Cancers, Capricorns and Pisces. Both Taurus and Cancer have a deep-seated need for security and an interest in a serious long-term relationship. They are both very sensitive signs, which are naturally capable of listening well to each other. Capricorn and Taurus also share a need for safety. Capricorn's natural drive to succeed in life and make money makes this sign a perfect match for safety-loving Taurus. Taurus and Pisces are great lovers of peace, beauty, art and music. Together, the two are able to build a beautiful, harmonious relationship, full of everything they crave.
Famous Taurus
Janet Jackson, Tony Blair, David Beckham, Al Pacino, Barbara Streisand, Shakespeare, Jack Nicholson, Saddam Hussein.