Sagittarius 22nd November to 21st December

Personality of the Sagittarius
The zodiac sign of Sagittarius often has the reputation of a philosopher. Sagittarius have a great ability to concentrate, but they also love to explore the world, wander and taste all the pleasures of life. From an early age they have to learn to dose their energy, otherwise they risk running past themselves. They are often hasty individuals with little patience. When Sagittarians experience adversity, they can sometimes make a sudden comeback, much to the surprise of others. Although they are loyal, they find it difficult to dedicate themselves, because it conflicts with their desire for freedom.
The Sagittarius in a relationship
In love, Sagittarius constantly need adventures and challenges to grow and stay interested. Dedication is difficult for them because freedom is the greatest asset. The advantage of this is that they give a lot of freedom to their partners, because they know how important it is to get space to grow, explore and develop vision as an individual. Sagittarius often need partners who love adventure, travel and spirituality as much as they are. They are always enthusiastic, curious and passionate. While they enjoy talking about almost anything, they find it difficult to talk about their feelings.
The Sagittarius in friendship
Friends love the stories and insights of a Sagittarius. They may feel neglected when their Sagittarius friend travels again and shares experiences with strangers there, but they can be confident that Sagittarians will not soon forget their friends and will always return to their roots. They tend to have a wide circle of friends, and may not have particularly constant ties. Still, they prefer to have in-depth conversations and share moments with as many people as possible.
The Sagittarius at work
When it comes to jobs and careers, Sagittarius need flexibility and space to explore and wander. They are happiest in freelance positions or jobs where they can travel. They love meeting new people and getting different perspectives, so many of them are good leaders. They can be good team workers and use their great intelligence and sense of tolerance to work well with other people. However, they must be motivated to stay on track or they may become distracted or even appear lazy.
Male Sagittarius
Sagittarius men are happy people and eternal travellers, interested in religion, philosophy and the meaning of everything. They love adventures and see all possibilities in life. Some of their best qualities are honesty, courage and optimism. Some of the negative features of male Sagittarius are carelessness and impatience. In addition, they can sometimes be tactless, superficial and too confident.
Female Sagittarius
Female Sagittarius are wild, independent, friendly and outgoing. They enjoy expressing themselves in a sexual way and they are determined to live life to the fullest. Their personality is characterized by liveliness, curiosity and excitement. Sagittarius women are also honest, always express their opinions and value freedom and independence. Dating a woman with the Sagittarius zodiac sign requires an adventurous spirit, since she sees everything as a challenge and cannot stand boredom.
The best partners for Sagittarius
The best matches for a Sagittarius are Rams, Aquarius and Leos. Both Aries and Sagittarius are active, happy zodiac signs, enjoying a social life and new challenges. Their relationship will be characterised by joy and fulfilment. Sagittarius and Aquarius both thrive on change, variety and adventure. Sharing many of the same characteristics, their relationship will be strong and harmonious. Sagittarius as well as Leo have a great love for adventure, drama and freedom. That leads to a lot of fun and a harmonious relationship.
Famous Sagittarius
Frank Sinatra, Edith Piaf, Bruce Lee, Jane Fonda, Tina Turner, Britney Spears, Woody Allen, Bette Midler, Walt Disney, Ji Morrison, Beethoven, Christina Aguilera, Brad Pitt, Steven Spielberg.