Aries 21st March to 19th April

Personality of the Aries
People with Aries as a zodiac sign have a lot of energy and a great hunger for life. This leads them to challenging experiences that allow them to explore their limits. A typical Aries is very passionate and curious and has a strong sense of justice. Aries’ are also very ambitious and thrive in a competitive environment. In general, they are optimistic, with a positive outward attitude. Sometimes, however, they can also shoot out of their shoes, especially if they disagree with something. Then the Aries can lose himself in heated discussions with basic arguments, which he will stick to.
The Aries in a relationship
When it comes to love, Aries will put all his warmth and energy into his relationships. Ariess can be very loving and intense partners, needing people to share their passion for life with. They usually fall in love quickly and are direct about their desires. They don't like to play games, but pursue what they want with the same passion as in other areas. While they often take the initiative, sometimes Ariess need some encouragement to keep going. Words of praise, as long as they are true, can help.
The Aries in friendship
When it comes to friendship, Ariess can be very competitive. At the same time, they are also warm and loving towards the people they really care about. Just like in love relationships, they will also put all their energy into friendships. However, their competitive nature, hot-headedness and impatience can have a negative effect on their friends. This can sometimes push people away, especially if they feel threatened. But in general, Aries will be very loyal to their friends.
The Aries at work
Given their tendency to compete, Ariess can get very far when it comes to their careers. They will promote faster than other zodiac signs and thrive in environments that encourage and reward their competitive nature. People who share the Aries zodiac sign are often good leaders, who love to hold leadership positions. If they are not leaders, they will accept that, but if they disagree with their bosses, their sense of justice and aggression can complicate the working relationship. Thanks to their high energy level, they are able to work hard and make long shifts. Finally, Aries are often good at keeping accurate data, with an eye for details.
Male Aries
Independence is key to understanding male Ariess, because they don't like following orders from others. On a bad day, they can be egocentric, arrogant and opinionated, but they are also brave, adventurous and passionate. These men often find the hunt for love more exciting than the catch itself, and his victorious nature means that he often hunts for partners he cannot have. To get his attention, you have to play hard to get, as if he has to fight for a prize.
Female Aries
Aries women are fearless and natural leaders. They are energetic, charismatic, dynamic and love challenges and adventures. They are also extremely passionate and sexual, making them irresistible to others. They are constantly on the move and will never be overrun by a partner, while at the same time longing for love. They always try to keep control.
The best partners for an Aries
Aries best match Gemini, Sagittarius and Leos. An Aries-Gemini couple often results in a lively relationship, full of activity and vitality. The two zodiac signs love to share their hunger for knowledge in this. Sagittarius are bursting with energy and paired with Aries means a relationship full of fun and discovery. Then the Leo; if he can learn to share his spotlight with someone else, Aries and Leos can form a special unit.
Famous Aries
Harry Houdini, Charlie Chaplin, Francis Ford Coppola, Rachmaninoff, Eric Clapton, Mariah Carey, Elton John.